Everything You Need To Know About Storing Fudge

If you've made fudge for your family and friends, bought some, or maybe you just want to gift someone a fudge hamper, you may wonder how long it might last.
Not just this, questions like How long fudge can be stored, can it be frozen, or which container is best to keep fudge in, are also worth considering.
But not to worry. All of your fudge-storing queries will be answered in this post!
Firstly, What is Fudge?
Fudge is a sweet confection typically made of sugar, butter, and condensed milk heated to certain temperatures that result in a soft and creamy treat. It is often flavoured with ingredients like chocolate, vanilla, nuts, or fruit. Fudge has a smooth and creamy texture and is known for its rich, sweet taste.
Fudge is a popular sweet found in various flavours, such as clotted cream, chocolate, biscoff, salted caramel, and types such as dairy-free, gluten-free, and vegan. It is often cut into small, bite-sized pieces and enjoyed as a sweet indulgence or given as a gift during special occasions.
Fudge is a creamy, sweet treat that is often shared with friends and family. However, it is so rich that many of us don't eat much of it in one go. It is not uncommon to want to store leftover fudge to enjoy later on. Hence, many people wonder, can they freeze fudge or not? Let's look further!
Firstly, it is important to understand that there is a large difference between fudge you might make at home and fudge created by a professional confectioner.
Typically fudge made at home doesn’t have the shelf life of traditional fudge as the professional equipment required isn’t accessible. A suitable copper pan alone can cost several hundred pounds alone.
Fortunately, Bluebell Cottage have years of experience, all the relevant traditional equipment and use all-natural ingredients and traditional handmade fudge recipes.
Thanks to these things, it results in a much longer shelf life, without the need for preservatives.
How Long Does Fudge Last?
Homemade fudge will typically only last for a few weeks. This type of fudge is best kept in a fridge.
Professional fudge depends upon how you purchased it. If bought in a sealed bag then this will remain fresh for at least 6 months.
A cool and dry cupboard is perfect in this instance. If you have opened the packet, or purchased loose fudge, for example in a pick & mix, then the best storage option for this is a sealed tupperware container in a cool, dry cupboard.
The fridge isn’t somewhere to keep proper fudge. The sugar content of the fudge preserves it for a long time and ambient storage conditions helps this further.
Can I leave My Leftover Fudge at Room Temperature?
We wouldn't recommend leaving your own homemade fudge out at room temperature. In this instance we would always suggest you keep your own fudge in a fridge where the temperatures will suit it.
You can store leftover professional fudge at room temperature without any issues.
The nature of the ingredients and cooking processes prefer this ambient environment, albeit in a cool dry place.
Try not to leave it exposed to the elements. Ensure you have kept the leftover fudge in a sealable container in a cool, dark, dry place, such as kitchen drawers, cupboards, or a pantry.
Fudge stored exposed at room temperature will last for a month or two but will start to show signs of hardening around the edges and a loss of its freshness.
Can I Refrigerate Fudge?
Homemade fudge is perfectly fine to store in the fridge. This is always the best option for your own fudge creations.
Professional fudge should not be stored in the fridge as a general rule, unless weather conditions are extremely hot.
Once cooked properly there isn’t anything in fudge that needs to be kept cold. You dont buy fudge out of a fridge and suppliers don’t store it this way so there's no need for you to either.
Can I Freeze Fudge?
Homemade fudge can be frozen but wont last long when thawed. Because of this it is best to freeze in small batches that you can take out without spoiling the whole batch.
There is no reason to freeze proper fudge as its natural shelf life is 6 to 12 months and freezing is pointless when ambient conditions are much better for it.
How Long Does it Last in The Fridge & Freezer?
Homemade Fudge stored in the fridge or refrigerator lasts about 2 - 3 weeks.
It provides the cool temperature that this type of fudge exactly demands.
The only real time you might need to refrigerate proper fudge is if weather conditions are extremely hot. This won't extend the life of the fudge but will help it remain solid and not soften in the heat.
Homemade Fudge stored in the freezer lasts about 2 - 3 months and stays fresh if appropriately wrapped. This is the best long-term storage solution for homemade fudge! Proper shop bought fudge should not be frozen as it will last just as long, in a better condition, in ambient conditions.
What is the Best Way to Store Fudge?
So to recap, it's best to store proper fudge at room temperature. Keeping it in the fridge takes out all its moisture, drying it out.
Homemade fudge is best in the fridge. No matter where you store it, the goal is to protect the fudge from exposure to the elements so airtight containers are best! In the case of large fudge blocks, cut them into small pieces and then store them.
Which Container is Best for Storing Fudge?
Any food-storage container will be best, but ensure it has an airtight lid. Think lunch boxes, plastic boxes with good snap-on lids, glass with silicone-lined lids, etc.
Wrap Up
We hope this post regarding fudge FAQs was helpful. We tried answering all your FAQs regarding the fudge's shelf-life, storage tips, & what to do or not to do. If you have any questions, please leave a comment, and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible.