Bluebell Cottage Christmas delivery latest. 17th Dec' recommended last postal date!

Important Christmas delivery news
As has been reported on the news in recent days, the Royal Mail have recently been struggling to cope with the demand placed upon it in the run up to Christmas. At Bluebell Cottage, we use the Royal Mail for our deliveries & we have noticed delays in our packages reaching our customers. This has varied from a slight delay to the occasional delay of over a week. Please be patient with us if you are waiting for your order. We ship all our orders immediately and the vast majority arrive in good time. If you are concerned about your delivery please speak to us, however we would advise our customers to show a little patience with the Royal Mail as they work through their parcels during an unprecedented level of demand.
If ordering for a Christmas present then we would advise placing your order by the 17th of December.
After this point we cannot reasonably guarantee that your parcel will arrive before the big day. As we use the Royal Mail for our deliveries, we are in their hands. Our free delivery offer is using a standard Royal Mail service however we do offer an express service on all orders for £5 and we would suggest using this service to guarantee a quicker delivery. Bluebell Cottage cannot be held responsible for any deliveries that do not arrive before Christmas Day & orders are placed with the understanding of this. If you are unsure we would suggest speaking to us before placing an order at present.